Carl Nandoo
Business Development
Stakeholder Engagement
Solutions Specialist
Property development
B A M E Lead for Greater London – FSB
I have been finding and winning opportunities within the commercial and public sector for more than 20 years. My main skills are around business development within the Healthcare and Education sectors / Corporate and SMB providing services and solutions. I act as an advocate for my clients through Amenity Care Ltd focusing on improving accessible homes but specialising in property adaptations primarily for disabled, elderly and vulnerable people.
Now I carry out property adaptations having moved my parents from a bungalow to a house local to me so that they have more support around them. They are my inspiration to help create and make a difference particularly when it comes to care. I have created a shower room downstairs in their property, made it more accessible by removing a wall to create through lounge/dinner and decoration together with minor adaptations in the property and now getting a chairlift.
Additionally I have implemented security to give them and me peace of mind about them feeling safe in their home, but also safeguarding people that enter the home such as carers.
Amenity Care Ltd acts as an advocate and ambassador when it comes to:
Chairlift/Ceiling Lifts
Personal Care
Living Care
Health & Wellbeing
Estate Planning
Improving my clients home access definitely improves and increases the percentage for getting work plus decreases the percentage of hospital admission.
Facebook: @amenitycareuk
Instagram: @amenitycare
Twitter: @amenitycare